Weather Forecasting

Since I now have a new motorbike ( see this gallery ) it is quie nice to be able to plan in advance what I am going to do on a given day. A lot of the time, this decision is going to be influenced, at least in part, by what weather conditions are likely to be.

For a while now, I have checked weather forecasts on the BBC weather page. However, it appears that the BBC recently changed their policy on presenting weather forcasts to be “more optimistic”. What this means is that if the forecast for tomorrow is “it’s going to rain for most of the day, but there may be some sun for half an hour in the early afternoon”, what you will get from the BBC is “sunny intervals” or maybe “showers”. I can’t understand the reasoning behind this, from a supposedly impartial organisation such as the BBC. I know that putting a positive spin on some things is good, but why the weather? Who is going to say to the BBC “Your forecast for yesterday was rain. It rained. It is therefore your fault that the weather was bad.” Not many, I would guess.*

All I want from a wether forecast is an accurate assesment of what the forecaster believe is going to occur. Not hard really, is it?

If anyone knows of a good (i.e. accurate) source of weather data on the net, please let me know.

*Of course, you can never be sure ;)