Google Maps Updated

Maybe I missed it when it was first released, but Google Maps in the UK has had a bit of a revamp. Some of the imrpovements I’ve noticed have been :

  • Double clicking on a map zooms into the clicked location
  • Scroll wheel functions to zoom in / out.
  • Zooming retains the previously loaded images until the new ones load.
  • UI layout tweaks. The links from the right hand side of the search bar have now been moved to a more “tabbed” look underneath it

On the whole, I like the new features. The navigational controls are more intuitive, although I am going to have to unlearn some of the old behaviours. The scroll wheel functionality appears to me to be back-to-front. Certainly, in Google Earth scrolling the wheel down zooms in, and up zooms out. The implementation in Maps, though, is the opposite.