Nintendo Web Browser on the DS Lite

I recently bought a Nintendo DS Lite to keep me occupied in one of the many hotels I have to stay in. I was swayed toward the DS by the promise of the Nintendo Browser, and now that my new cartridge has arrived, I’m more than pleased with the browser’s capabilities.

The main use for the unit at home will be as a controller for the SlimServer software that runs my music collection, and it works really well. It takes just a few seconds to boot into the browser, connects wirelessly to my network, and shows me the page I need – all in the time it would take to power up the laptop.

As you may be able to see from the screenshots below, the rendering is not perfect, but it is a handheld device, and most pages aren’t desgined to cope too well with such little real estate, but the unit copes very well. I’m glad I bought it.