OK, first thing’s first – I am not what you’d call a Barenaked Ladies fan. I have a copy of “Stunt“, and I know “One Week” (in fact, my band have been trying to work out how to adequately cover it for a while now), but that’s not the point…. I went to see them on Friday night in Leeds and was pretty much blown away by them.

I can hear you asking yourself now “If you’re not a fan, why did you go see them?” Well, that’s a fair question, and the answer is simple. One of my mates *is* a big fan, and won the chance to go meet the band at the pre-show meet-and-greet. Once again, though, the answer gets a little more complicated – I didn’t go along with her, because she’d already promised the second ticket to another of out mutual friends. I did, however, offer to drive to take them and pick them up after the show (hey, I’m a nice guy!). Anyway, the suggestion was made that I may as well get a ticket and join them, so I did. (Although quite why I dedicated a whole paragraph to that little story is beyond me)
Anyway – the gig. I could ramble on for a while about the support acts, who were great, but I’m not going to. I’m just going to focus on the main event.
As I’ve already said, I was aware of the band, and some of their work, but in all honesty a lot of the material was new to me. Did that matter? Not a bit! The songs I did recognise were performed exactly as I’d have wished to see them, and the ones I didn’t know were catchy enough for it not to matter that this was the first time I’d heard them. The standard of musicianship was excellent, as you’d expect from the headline act. What I really wasn’t expecting, though, was the level of engagement with the audience, and the level of humour with which the whole show was presented. Not “we’re trying to be funny” kind of humour, just a gentle background feeling that I was watching a bunch of guys who were having a whale of a time on stage. I was standing fairly near the back (right alongside the sound engineer, actually – the sound is always great there) but I felt drawn in to the show, felt a part of the good feeling in the room, and felt as if I was the one they were here to entertain. No mean feat, as anyone who’s been up on a stage will tell you.
So, what’s the point of this rambling and unfocussed post? Well, just to tell you that if you get a chance to go see these guys perform you should take it and get out and have a great night’s entertainment. Next time they’re around these parts, I’ll be going again. Maybe I’ll see you there too.
**EDIT** Seems my tweet about this post was re-tweeted by Tyler. Another example of the band’s accessibility, I guess.
I agree with everything that has been said….although unlike the author of this review I have been a fan since 1994 (though not in an obsessive way as I still don’t know which face to put to what name!!) when my then flatmate played me “Maybe you should Drive”…..So the band have been the soundtrack to my life for quite a long time. OK, so the cds are basically in the car all the time. Have only seen the guys once before at Newcastle Arena when they were supporting The Beautiful South. I actually left when the South came on. Well, it was a long drive back to Ripon!
In Leeds I was about 3 rows from the front. (one of them winked at me….but I couldn’t put the name to the wink..LOL!) and had a fab time. I knew all the words and the tunes reminded me of lots of episodes in my life with a smile…followed by depression (tongue in cheek here) at how un-rock-and-roll my life has become. :0) Glad they sang Pinch Me…reminded me of that dodgy bar in Galveston with the even dodgier Ground Controller I met on the internet in 2000, but that’s a story in itself.
Anyway, I digress. Fab show, with a band who clearly really enjoy what they are doing. It was a pleasure, chaps!
This was the second time I’d seen them (I’m a reasonably-big fan) and couldn’t agree more with your assessment of the night!!
It was my first time seeing BNL, although I’ve been a fan for what seems like decades and what a fantastically enjoyable show the guys put on. The new songs just blended in with the classics, between songs the banter was easy going as if you were talking to a mate at the pub and the musicianship was superb. I was there with my wife and daughter who had been brought up listening to the cd’s when she first went to Primary and is now 12 years later leaving Secondary, she loved the performance of “Alcohol”. Only very minor gripe was the T Shirts were rather dull, please can we get them as imaginative as the music? Otherwise everything else was excellent. Please come back to Leeds soon.
I have seen the band 15 (fifteen!) times in concert… Every time is just as good as the last… I have tickets to see Steven Page (who is no longer with the band) in november in chicago!
This was the 12th time I’d seen BNL (I’ve been a huge fan since around 2000) and fourth tour and for me was one of the best shows ever. The band always come out and talk to us nutcases after every show (more examples of ‘accessibility’ as you put it) and Ed even said he felt he didn’t think they were great that night – whereas even us seasoned BNL veterans thought it was a great show.
Glad you’re spreading the good words about the band – and a very good summary I must add – and also a similar view of all those I’ve dragged along over the years.
I work in Bristol – saw them there
Live not far from Southampton – saw them there
Was following my football team to Yorkshire – so saw them at Leeds
Couldn’t stay for Manchester on the Saturday night, unfortunately!
But,|”All in Good Time” tracks apart, each gig was different. But each was fantastic, as they have been since first seeing BNL at Wembley Arena when supporting the Beautiful South. Even then they were better than the main act. Would love to go on their cruise in February but can’t afford to so can’t wait for the Ladies to comr back to UK!