**ANOTHER EDIT** Version 1.0 out now.
**EDIT** version 0.2 now includes support for Google Video
Version 0.1 still available (in case the new mods give you trouble).
Here’s my first ever Plugin for Windows Live Writer.
It requests the ID for a video clip in YouTube (for example, the url of the default video is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtdJFtdXYps so the id from that url is GtdJFtdXYps ). For Google video, you need to docid number (19 digits) for example : http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3573852431733156394&q=kitten would give the docid of 3573852431733156394.
From that scant information, the plugin adds the embedded player for the video into your post. Simple.
Download the file, and then extract the DLL into the Plugins folder of your WLW installation. It will then appear in the “Insert” menu on the next restart of WLW.
I know it’s not much, but I thought I’d write it as a quick practice.
Demo :
I added your plugin information to the main list, and added you to the WLW plugins of the day.
Nice job.
Man, your plugin doesn´t work in my Windos Live Space… .what shoul d i do??
Please Help ME!!!
Great job! Works flawlessly.
Hi there.
If you dont mind i have put your great plugin in my new blog.
If you dont want it there please let me now.
Thank you
GenesisOrion : You’re right – it doesn’t work with MSN Spaces. There’s nothing wrong with the plugin, though – there *is* something wrong with Spaces. They seem to have hobbled the ability to add video clips from non-MS sources. If you want to use SPaces and put YouTube videos up, try this page for help.